Customized workshops, seminars & training.

Designed exclusively to support your enterprise.

Working with you and your team, Michael will develop an effective training program to help your business enterprise successfully achieve its business goals.

How the training is ultimately delivered is your decision-- whether Michael personally facilitates the training at the employee level, 'trains the trainers,' or provides 'executive education' to the leadership team.  Michael's goal is to ensure that your business enterprise has the core competencies needed, in-house, to facilitate the ongoing success of your firm.  

And your complete satisfaction with the training is guaranteed! Please see the FEES & HONORARIUMS webpage for complete details.  

Optimizing Revenue:

Understanding the art and science of peak-load-demand pricing

This workshop can add thousands of dollars to your bottom-line, by covering the following topics: 

  • Peak-load-demand pricing: The preferred pricing strategy when marketing services
  • Pricing: Gathering and analyzing market information to properly price your service-product
  • Contribution margin: Understand the impact of incremental revenues to your bottom-line
  • Market segmentation: Define key customer segments and identify sources of incremental revenue
  • Demand generators: Identify new sources of demand for your firm’s services within your market
  • Distribution channels: Learn to manage alternative distribution channels, including electronic distribution, in order to maximize yield
  • Forecasting demand: Identify the key factors that can improve forecasting accuracy
  • Sales strategies: Identify the selling strategies that will help ‘level’ demand and maximize revenue
  • Ancillary revenue: Understand strategies designed to drive ancillary revenues
  • Displacement cost: Effectively evaluate the profitability of alternative pieces of business competing for your valuable service capacity 

Business Workshops.

Copyright © Michael Collins. All rights reserved.

Delivering Exceptional Experiences: 

Driving profitability one ‘moment-of-truth’ at a time

This workshop will help your team create memories for customers and build customer loyalty, by addressing the following topics:

  • The customer experience: Moving beyond service delivery to facilitating experiences
  • The employee experience: Understanding the satisfaction mirror 
  • Management triangle: Prioritizing your managers' responsibilities
  • Service-Profit Chain:  Driving profitability by focusing on internal service quality
  • Cycle of capability: The key human resource strategies critical to organizational success 
  • Leveraging the unique characteristics of services to improve business outcomes
  • Managing service capacity: Optimizing revenue and productive capacity
  • Service blueprints: Designing service processes to maximize the efficiency 
  • Listening to customers: Soliciting feedback from internal and external customers to set priorities, improve customer experiences, and to protect your firm’s reputation
  • Service recovery: Turning challenging customer situations around, while creating ‘apostles’ for your firm